
Thieves prediluted Pure Essential Oil Blend 10mL Roll on

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RM25.00 - RM60.00

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(HOMEMADE) Young Living Thieves prediluted Pure Essential Oil Blend 10mL Roll on – Thieves


Thieves Roll-On has a combination of oils that both support the immune system and repel the things that tax it. The aroma not only smells warm and spicy, it also helps to clear negative emotions. Remember to pack your Thieves when traveling to help keep your body healthy.

Ingredient Highlight

Thieves Roll-On is ideal for adults and children alike. Fortunately, this roll-on comes diluted so it is gentle enough to be applied topically. This is one of those “never-leave-home-without-it” products that everyone needs!


• Antiseptic

• Anti-Bacterial

• Anti-Infections

• Sore throat

• Fight cold & flu

• Boots immunity

• Combats germs

• Supports dental health


Young Living Thieves

The Blend oils has diluted with organic carrier oil for topically use.

Always test a small amount of a product to determine whether or not your child is sensitive or allergic to an EO. Here's how:

Apply a small, diluted amount on your baby's arm or leg.

Allow for 24 hours to pass and observe whether or not a reaction occurs (look for skin irritation, redness, or swelling).

Note: Most severe allergic reactions will occur within 10-15 minutes and will be accompanied by respiratory distress, gagging, hives, etc. Allergic reactions require immediate medical attention.


Low 2% Beginner

Middle ratio 3yo to Adult or anyone with skin sensitivity issue 5%

High ratio 7yo to Adult 10%(Target use)

10ML / 0.338oz

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